Funding to benefit programs focused on diverting youth from the juvenile justice system
FRANKFORT, Ky. (March 25, 2022) – Today, Gov. Andy Beshear and Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice Commissioner Vicki Reed announced that applications will be available April 1, for an anticipated $364,666.00 in grant funding for public agencies and nonprofit programs to aid in preventing youth crime across the commonwealth.
“Every day my administration takes steps to make Kentucky a better and safer place for our children to grow up," said Gov. Beshear. “We remain committed to providing the resources needed to educate, care and intervene so that Kentucky youth have a path toward a bright and successful future."
The Title II Formula Grants Program, administered by the United States Department of Justice, is made available to assist state and local governments in addressing juvenile crime through technical assistance, research, training, evaluation and effective prevention and intervention programs. Eligible applicants include public agencies, nonprofit programs, local units of government and private not-for-profit organizations. Programs should focus on preventing justice system involvement or intervening with first-time and non-serious offenders to divert contact with the juvenile justice system. Priority will be given to those applicants implementing evidence based and promising practices.
“To truly be successful, the commonwealth must provide assistance to our at-risk youth beyond incarceration through programming geared toward successful reentry, alternatives to detention, substance and alcohol abuse treatment and delinquency prevention," said Commissioner Reed. “Kentucky's children deserve our undivided attention and this grant funding is critical in meeting the needs of our youth, communities and state. We encourage all eligible entities to apply and work on achieving one mission collectively that creates a better, safer Kentucky."
All applications must be submitted online via Intelligrants (IG), the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet's electronic Grants Management System.
New applicants will be required to establish an account and become familiar with the system well in advance of the due date. Applicants should also note that validating a new user account requires 48 to 72 hours.
Applications are due May 15, 2022 at 6pm EST and awards are expected to be announced in June.
Assistance with the application process may be obtained by contacting Grants Management staff at
Recently, the Governor signed Senate Bill 38 into law to protect youth from further crime and victimization.
“We must keep Kentuckians – particularly our children – safe and from harm," Gov. Beshear said. “By ensuring these violent offenders serve longer on their sentences, the victim does not have to constantly look over their shoulder out of fear, worry about leaving their home and going out in public, or trying to raise their own family."
In Aug. 2021, Gov. Beshear and Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet Secretary Kerry Harvey announced the appointment of Vicki Reed as commissioner of DJJ with a focus of setting the state's youth on a path to a success while reducing youth crime and recidivism.
“At the end of the day, the ultimate goal is to end youth violence and crime," said Commissioner Reed. “I want nothing more than Kentucky's youth to be empowered by a good family support system, strong educational system, faith in law enforcement and hope from faith-based organizations so they make the right decisions to avoid touching the juvenile justice system. However, until that day arrives, I will do everything in my power to build our youth up and provide a solid foundation for their future.
Commissioner Reed has identified several initiatives and programs for DJJ to accomplish under her leadership, including:
- Acquisition and utilization of evidence-based programs within the treatment array of residential services to youth;
- Enhancement of data collection for fidelity monitoring and recidivism collection in accordance with SB 200;
- Reinvestment in community–based services as well as expansion of services to pre-adjudication youth with the employment of evidence-based practices and increased family engagement;
Forging partnerships with other state agencies and entities, such as the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Workforce Development, Kentucky State Police, Administrative Office of the Courts and Kentucky Department of Education to enhance services and programs for youth to successfully reintegrate into their community.
