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Applicant Testing is scheduled in LETRS.  Go to the “Forms" tab and then select the “Pre-cert Testing" tab.  Select “Start a new test request process".  Once created, select the “request test" button to view the calendar of Precertification Events.  Select the preferred date/location to schedule your applicant, then check the appropriate box for the needed event to schedule.  Finally, click the “submit appointment request(s)" button.  Please print out directions from the Phase I Information page and give them to your applicant.  The PHQ is now completed online at  Your applicant should have a photo ID and if taking the physical agility test, a completed T1 and T1A (if they answered yes to any of the questions 1-10 on the T1 form) with them the day of the test.​

Once you have all the results for your applicant from Phase I and have reviewed them, schedule your applicant for Phase II testing in LETRS. Go to the “forms" tab then select the “Pre-cert Testing" tab. Find your applicant then click the pencil icon. Next, verify/ check the three conditions that must be met before proceeding. Once those have been met you will select the “request test" button to view the calendar of Precertification Events. Select the preferred date/location to schedule your applicant, then check the appropriate box for the needed event to schedule. Finally, click the “submit appointment request(s)" button.  Please print out directions from the Phase II Information page and give them to your applicant. Your applicant should have a completed Form I-2-Polygrap h Questionnaire and photo ID with them the day of the test.​
Peace officers must complete basic training within one year from their hire date.
Yes, your applicant can retest. They must wait at least 48 hours and no longer than 60 days to complete a retest. Applicants only have to retest any portion of the physical agility test that they failed to score points. Any other parts of the test where points were registered carry over to the retest. A failure to score points during any retest would require the applicant to complete another FULL test. An agency may utilize retesting for an individual up to 4 times a year.
In LETRS, go to the "Forms" tab and then select "Personnel Changes". The select "Create a new Personnel Change Request" complete, and submit.
Please call our office to verify what your applicant will need to do. All pre-employment testing is good for one year from the test date or the hire date, however, a new drug screen must be completed for any new employment cycle.

You can request an extension for training. If the extension is granted, it will give you 180 days from January 1 to complete your previous year’s training. You will have until June 30 to do so. You will still be required to complete your 40 hours for the current year.

Marksmanship Qualification Reporting is now in LETRS. Agencies no longer need to send Form 68-3 to the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council. Agencies have a Marksmanship status on their dashboard.  This system will require agencies to maintain their qualification records in accordance with applicable KRS and regulations, but it will allow for paperless reporting of those results to the Office of Kentucky Law Enforcement Council Support.  

All agencies will begin each January 1st with their dashboard stating that they are “not in compliance." This is how LETRS documents the number of officers required to meet the statutory requirement and shows all officers have not been registered as having completed the course for that year.  Once the agency has attested that all of their officers have met the firearms qualifications the dashboard will change to “in compliance" until the next January 1st when the dashboard will again show “not in compliance."   

To meet the requirements, do the following:

After qualification, register the peace officers completing the qualification for the Marksmanship Qualification class titled “KRS 15.383 - Marksmanship Qualification for Certified Peace Officers - 2024 1696746" using the Register for Courses band in LETRS. Once registration is complete, graduation will occur automatically and the Marksmanship status on the dashboard will update if all certified officers are selected.  The Kentucky Law Enforcement Council will monitor qualification compliance using a report generated from this data.    ​

All test results are valid for one year from the date of the test prior to being hired. For police and court security officer applicants, all test results are valid for one year from their hire date if those test results have not expired prior to them being hired. For telecommunicators, all test results are valid one year from the date of the test prior to being hired.​
An officer is exempt from training for the calendar year(s) in which they were activated/deployed. This does not include any weekend or 1–2-week deployments. There is no pre-certification extension, therefore if an officer is activated prior to basic training or during basic training and their tests expire, they must retest.​
The agency head can submit a Form F or can email your rank change or list of rank changes for the agency to and the changes will be made in Acadis.
Kentucky does accept reciprocity requests. A reciprocity applicant will need to fill out the Kentucky Reciprocity Application and submit all of the following:
  • A copy of your basic training graduation certificate
  • A copy of your basic training transcript listing each individual class completed with the hours per class
  • A letter stating how many years full time you have worked in law enforcement in the state you graduated basic training. If you have worked in multiple states, you will need letters from each department.
  • Military ONLY – a copy of your DD-214 and a letter from your Commanding Officer stating in detail your job duties as a military police officer​​

No, they do not have to attend the 80 hour court security officer basic training. Per KRS 15.3971 (3), certified peace officers who has previously attended law enforcement basic training and met the certification requirements of KRS 15.380 and 15.382 shall not be required to meet the requirements of this section to be appointed a court security officer but shall meet the requirements of KRS 15.386 (3). KRS 15.386 (3) is the inactive to active statute that states what classes an officer must take when returning to work. So, instead of being required to take the 80-hour basic training course, a certified peace officer would be required to complete the following:

If the person has been inactive for a period of less than 3 years but more than 1year:

  • Legal Updates: Penal Code
  • Legal Updates: Constitutional Procedures
  • Mandatory Training per KRS 15.334 

If the person has been inactive for a period of 3 years or more:

  • Legal Updates: Penal Code
  • Legal Updates: Constitutional Procedures
  • Mandatory Training per KRS 15.334 

One of the following 40 hours courses which is most appropriate for the officer's duty assignment:

  • Basic Officer Skills
  • Orientation for New Chiefs of Police
  • Duties of the Sheriff's Office
You begin the Career Development Program by filling out the CDP Form 1 (Participant Commitment Form) and submitting it back to our office via fax (859) 622-5943 or email For more information concerning the Career Development Program please call our office.​

It is best to verify if the class you will be attending is KLEC approved.  If the class you completed was a KLEC approved course during the time that you completed it and was not taught by an academy, you can receive credit for it and have it added to your transcript by submitting a Form 68-1 along with a certificate from the class by emailing

You may use your college classes one time every three years for in-service credit by submitting Form 6​8-2 along with a certified copy of your transcript to

The physical agility letter is e-mailed from LETRS within 3-5 business days. The suitability screener results are sent to the agency from KY Critical Stress and Wellness by encrypted e-mail within 7 business days from the date of the test if the applicant has completed the Personal History Questionnaire and submitted it online.  The polygraph and drug screen report will be mailed from our office within 5-7 business days from the date of the test.​
Invoices are mailed to agencies at the first of the month. Complete test costs are $181.00. The suitability screener is $65.00, drug screen is $16.00 and the polygraph is $100.00.
After the December 1, 1998, Peace Officer Professional Standards (POPS) Act went into effect, anyone working on that day was grandfathered and certified as a peace officer. If you had completed a recognized basic training class, you will always be a certified officer and will never lose your certification. If you have never attended a recognized basic training class, and you leave your law enforcement position by either resignation, termination or retirement, you have up to 365 days to become re-employed by an agency or you lose your grandfather status and you would have to complete the pre-employment testing and basic training to become certified again. This is stated in KRS 15.400 (1).​
All testing is protected by KRS 15.400 from the open records act. You as the applicant are not allowed to see any of your test results. The agency is free to discuss results with you but they cannot give you those results.
Yes. As of June 26, 2007 KRS 15.386 (3)c requires the Form D1 on all inactive to active peace officer hires be completed. Therefore, a new POPS file must be started for this lateral hire. The same is required for Court Security Officers by KRS 15.3977 (3)c and a CSO lateral file must be started.

On July 14, 2018 a new law went into effect, KRS 15.550, that states if your center receives emergency medical calls your telecommunicators shall be trained in T-CPR or telephone cardiopulmonary resuscitation utilizing a nationally recognized emergency cardiovascular care guidelines. There are free online programs you can access at If your agency already has and EMD program such as APCO, Medical Priority or PowerPhone, there is no requirement for additional T-CPR training.
For more information about the Office of State School Security Marshal and the School Safety and Resiliency Act, please visit

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