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Military to Law Enforcement

The Military to Law Enforcement Program (M-2-LE) is the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council initiative that is developing working relationships between all branches of the U.S. Military, the Department of Defense, Kentucky law enforcement, and our training academies.  The goal of M-2-LE is two part. First, to create an effective and efficient means to recruit and train active duty military personnel interested in starting a law enforcement career within Kentucky.  Secondly, to incentivize and create financial and expedited hiring benefits to our law enforcement and support agencies who choose to hire veterans.  Because all M-2-LE participants desiring to be a Kentucky Peace Officer will be required to attend the full duration of a basic Kentucky law enforcement academy, we are not just limited to military police, or any single branch of the military, but all active-duty military that have demonstrated integrity, hard work, and discipline throughout their military career.  Additionally, we want to grow this program to be able to offer training opportunities in similar programs for law enforcement support personnel, to include academy instructors, telecommunicators, intelligence analyst, and more.

This initiative is looking to utilize the Department of Defense program called SkillBridge to create cooperative agreements between Kentucky’s law enforcement agencies, our Department of Criminal Justice Training,  and all branches of the US Military.  The DoD’s SkillBridge program works to transition veteran service members into licensed and skilled civilian occupations.  This program allows a soon-to-be-separating service member to be granted up to 180 days, while still in active duty, to train and learn a skill that upon their departure from the military can be utilized in a new civilian career field.  For Kentucky law enforcement, this could be a tremendous incentive for police and sheriff agencies to hire veterans, without the cost of paying the individuals salary while in one of our law enforcement academies.  It will also be a tremendous benefit to veterans, who will be able to identify Kentucky agencies looking for excellent employment candidates, entering into an agreement with that agency, and guaranteeing employment after graduating one of our Kentucky academies.

The M-2-LE program is currently working to promote and facilitate Kentucky law enforcement agencies, who are seeking officer or deputy employment, to become SkillBridge approved.  Once an agency is approved, military personnel who meet the SkillBridge requirements will have an opportunity to apply to the hiring agency.  If an individual is selected, approved by their Commanding Military Officer to participate in SkillBridge, and all requirements are met, then arrangements will be initiated by the M-2-LE Coordinator to get them into the first available Department of Criminal Justice Training academy in Richmond, KY, while still on active duty.  Upon that individual’s separation from active duty, the hiring agency will place the military veteran on their payroll.  If the individual separates from active duty prior to graduation, the hiring agency will immediately start paying their salary prior to graduation.  If the individual fails to graduate the basic training, then the agency is no longer required to employ the individual after military separation.

Please note, this fantastic program is very new and partnerships are still being created.  In the near future we hope to have as many Kentucky law enforcement agencies as possible signed up with M-2-LE as a partner and on the SkillBridge website advertising position openings.


Why does the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council believe that Veterans make great Peace Officers? 

Across our Nation, it has become extremely difficult to hire and retain quality law enforcement officers.  The recruiting of mature, dedicated, and honorable military personnel offers tremendous advantages and opportunities, not only for our law enforcement agencies but our communities and citizens.

This issue has been, and currently is, a top priority for our Kentucky law enforcement leadership. The Council is not just looking for military personnel with a law enforcement background, but all that have high moral character, a good work ethic, and a continuing desire to serve their country and community.

Why Veterans?  The following are a few reasons why military personnel make great peace officers.

  • Military personnel typically transition well from the detailed hierarchal structure of military service to the detailed self-initiating structure of law enforcement.

  • Military personnel are exposed to a variety of diversities and social challenges, including a multitude of ethnic races and cultures, close proximity living and work conditions, language barriers, fitness and grooming standards, chain of command protocols, intense training environment, fitness requirements, high expectations, and accountability.

  • Military personnel are accustomed to the wearing of a uniform and the symbolic nature of supporting the needs of others, just as with peace officers. 

  • Military personnel take pride in their sacrifice and service to others, just as with peace officers.

  • Military personnel will emerge from active-duty military knowing their physical capabilities and limitations and are typically in better physical condition than the non-military applicant.

  • Military personnel are accustomed to the structure of a law enforcement basic academy as it has similar character and discipline-building components as military basic training.

  • Military personnel have often been exposed (through training and experience) to difficult, time-compressed, stress-inducing, and violent encounters that would be similar to what they may encounter as a law enforcement officer.

  • Military personnel are closely monitored for inappropriate social cues, criminal behavior, or other acts involving bad decision-making or integrity.  This information is readily accessible to a potential employing law enforcement agency.

“Military to Law Enforcement (M-2-LE) is one of the impactful solutions created by the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council to recruit hardworking, respectful, and disciplined military professionals into the ranks of our Kentucky law enforcement agencies.”

​— John Moberly, KLEC Executive Director (July 1, 2020 - March 13, 2024)