- Law Enforcement Services, Inc. (LESI) retired June 30, 2024. Reports had to be downloaded from the LESI website by July 30, 2024. If not, the applicant will have to redo the entire Suitability Screener with the new company.
- The new company is KY Critical Stress & Wellness Center (KYCSW). They began July 1, 2024.
- Online PHQ passwords will no longer be issued.
- The link to the on-line Personal History Questionnaire (PHQ) is
https://www.kycswcenter.com/. They must print the complete PHQ and bring a copy with them the day of their test.
- Results will be sent via encrypted email within 7-10 business days by KYCSW. Please continue to be patient as all the processes are new and still being reviewed.
- The contact with KYCSW can be reached at
Effective July 1, 2024, the drug screen has been updated to the Federal guidelines. If your agency is currently approved to use another lab, please complete and submit a new Form Q in LETRS and upload a copy of a sample drug screen from them showing the following drugs and cut off levels:
SCREENINGMarijuana metabolites 50 ng/mL
Cocaine metabolite (Benzoylecgonine) 150 ng/mL
Codeine / Morphine 2,000 ng/mL
Hydrocodone / Hydromorphone 300 ng/mL
Oxycodone / Oxymorphone 100 ng/mL
6-Acetylmorphine 10 ng/mL
Phencyclidine (PCP) 25 ng/mL
Amphetamine / Methamphetamine 500 ng/mL
MDMA / MDA 500 ng/mL
THC/THCA 15 ng/mL
Benzoylecgonine 100 ng/mL
Codeine 2,000 ng/mL
Morphine 2,000 ng/mL
Hydrocodone 100 ng/mL
Hydromorphone 100 ng/mL
Oxycodone 100 ng/mL
Oxymorphone 100 ng/mL
6-Acetylmorphine 10 ng/mL
Phencyclidine (PCP) 25 ng/mL
Amphetamine 250 ng/mL
Methamphetamine 250 ng/mL
MDMA 250 ng/mL
MDA 250 ng/mL
If you wish to have KLEC begin doing your agency's drug screens, please complete and submit the Form Q in LETRS indicating the update.
LOCATION CHANGE Effective August 1, 2024, the Office of the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council Staff was relocated to Lexington. Our new address is:
Kentucky Law Enforcement Council
2624 Research Park Drive
Lexington, KY 40511
Staff Member
Questions Regarding
| Kelly Adkins | |
| Meredith Reed
| - Peace Officer Questions Regarding Personnel Action Updates
- Curriculum
- Outside Training Credit
| Megan Sevier
| - Court Security Officer and Telecommunicator Questions Regarding Personnel Action Updates
- Instructor Certification
| Deanna Boling
| - Out of State Reciprocity
- Firearms Qualification
- Career Development Program (CDP)
- Monitoring Program
| Melissa Burkhart
| - Military to Law Enforcement (M2LE)
| Melissa Beck
| - Certifications
- Training Delinquencies
| Brandi Robinson
| - Records
- Status and Standing Form
- Agency Establishment
| Tom Mattingly
| |
| Mike Beck
| |
| Elizabeth Bond
| |
| Rob Ratliff
| |
| Matt Boyle |
| Brian Lafferty |
| Jarred Ball |
If you're unsure who to contact, please email our main box at klecs@ky.gov or leave a voice mail at the main number. Be very detailed in your message to assure the correct person returns your call. The main phone number is 859-622-6218.
2024 Telecommunication Training & Employment Procedures
1) ALL New CJIS Telecommunicator hires (Full- and Part-time) after July 15, 2024:
- All CJIS Telecommunicators must complete TPS Testing and be pre-certified within one hundred twenty (120) days after the hire date.
- All CJIS Telecommunicators must complete a basic Telecommunicator academy in accordance with
KRS 15.565(1).
2) ALL New Non-CJIS Telecommunicator hires (Full-time only) after July 15, 2024:
- All Full-time Non-CJIS Telecommunicators must complete TPS Testing and be pre-certified within one hundred twenty (120) days after the hire date.
- All Full-time Non-CJIS Telecommunicators must complete a basic Telecommunicator academy in accordance with
KRS 15.560(1).
- Part-Time Non-CJIS Telecommunicators are
not affected by the 2024 legislative amendments at this time.
- Part time Non-CJIS Telecommunicators may become certified.
- Will need to complete TPS Testing.
- Will need to successfully graduate a basic academy.
- Will need to complete annual telecommunicator 8-hour in-service.
3) Hires after July 1, 2026:
- ALL Telecommunicators (Full and Part-time, CJIS and Non-CJIS) must complete TPS Testing and be pre-certified within one hundred twenty (120) days after the hire date.
- ALL Telecommunicators must complete a basic Telecommunicator academy in accordance with KRS 15.560 (1), effective July 1, 2026.
- Part-time telecommunicators hired
prior to July 1, 2026, shall successfully complete a forty (40) hour online course, All part-time telecommunicators hired
after July 1, 2026, shall successfully complete the public safety telecommunicator academy.
Note :
As of January 1, 2023, if a newly elected constable chooses to obtain law enforcement powers and become a certified peace officer, he/she shall first successfully complete all Peace Officer Professional Standards (POPS) and a Kentucky certified law enforcement basic academy. For those newly elected individuals that choose not to exercise police powers, he/she will maintain the Constable title and will be able to serve court documents and provide other duties afforded by statute but will not have arrest authority or be able to exercise the duties of a sworn law enforcement officer.
Please reference 2022 HB 239 which states, “After January 1, 2023, no constable who is elected for the first time or a deputy constable appointed pursuant to Section 12 of this Act shall be granted the powers generally applicable to peace officers and police officers unless the individual has been certified and maintains his or her certification pursuant to KRS 15.380.”
A newly elected constable that has previously been POPS certified or desires to become POPS Certified, must initiate the process by providing all required documentation to the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council. The appropriate forms can be found on the
KLEC web site and must be submitted by email to
The following list of documents must be submitted for KLEC to initiate and complete the process for a Constable to become a certified peace officer.
Agency Update Form
- Certificate from the County Board of Elections (County files)
- Oath of Office from the swearing in (County files)
Form Q - Must be completed in LETRS
- Personnel Updated must be completed in LETRS
- All Standadards must be completed in LETRS
Additionally, a constable who becomes certified shall maintain the minimum annual training hours as required by KRS 15.380, or that Constable will automatically lose his/her law enforcement authority.
Please contact KLEC for assistance and to schedule your regional POPS testing at 859-622-6218, or by email at
All meetings are to be held at:
Drury Inn & Suites Louisville • North 9597 Brownsboro Rd • Louisville, Kentucky 40241
Virtual Attendence Information
February 12-13, 2025 - Meeting Agenda
May 7-8, 2025
August 20-21, 2025
November 5-6, 2025
KLEC uses a two (2) phase hiring process for Peace Officer Professional Standards (POPS), Certified Court Security Officers (CCSO) and Telecommunicator Professional Standards (TPS).
KLEC oversees all law enforcement related academies in the state of Kentucky. Currently approved academies include: Bowling Green Law Enforcement Academy, Department of Criminal Justice Training, Kentucky State Police, Lexington Police Academy, Lexington Telecommunications In-service Academy, Louisville Metro Police Academy, Louisville MetroSafe, Southern Police Institute, Northern Kentucky Police & Sheriffs Training Center and the Owensboro Police Department Basic Training Academy and other sponsored agencies.
KLEC’s Career Development Program (CDP) provides sound advice and guidance to assist officers and telecommunicators in making good choices and decisions during their careers. The goal of CDP is to help you succeed in your profession.