Jan. 9 is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

FRANKFORT, Ky. (Jan. 9, 2021) – Today, on the sixth anniversary of National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, Governor Andy Beshear and the Department of Criminal Justice Training (DOCJT) reiterated their gratitude for the officers who daily make the commitment to honor, integrity, sacrifice and professionalism.
The Governor said that whether the 8,000 men and women in Kentucky’s ranks don blue, gray, brown or green, they put on a uniform each day to patrol our neighborhoods with the mission of serving and protecting their fellow citizens. He said the loss this week of a U.S. Capitol Police officer in the line of duty is a stark reminder of the risks our officers face every day in service to their communities and our country.
“They have chosen a profession of service in order to help make our commonwealth and our nation more secure,” said Gov. Beshear. “Today, we thank them for their service.”
National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day was established by the Concerns of Police Survivors (COPS) organization in 2015 to recognize officer service. COPS encourages communities to show their support to officers by wearing blue, shining blue lights at home, making cards for hometown law enforcement agencies, taking treats to officers and thanking law enforcement you might encounter.
“Today, we show appreciation for our brave and courageous law enforcement men and women,” said Justice Mary C. Noble, secretary of the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet. “These men and women accepted the call to serve others day in and day out and I am proud to work with each of you and to support our united efforts to keep our citizens and our commonwealth safe.”
Our state is proud to offer some of the most exceptional law enforcement training in the nation. Newly hired peace officers in Kentucky are required to complete basic training to comply with the state’s Peace Officer Professional Standards Act of 1998. Recruits undergo 824 hours of recruit-level instruction over 20 weeks at the Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training, or at their agencies’ independent training academy. In addition, all officers and deputies are state-mandated to complete 40-hours of in-service training annually.
“While we honor you on this day of celebration, we are indebted to you every day for the work you do,” said Nicolai Jilek, commissioner of DOCJT. “Law enforcement is not an easy job. I commend you for upholding your oath and pray daily for your continued safety.”
DOCJT provides basic training for city and county police officers, sheriffs’ deputies, university police, and airport police throughout the state, only excluding Louisville Metro Police Department, Lexington Police Department, Bowling Green Police Department and the Kentucky State Police, which each have independent academies.
